Saturday 2 February 2013

Katja Novitskova

Katja Novitskova is an artist who I have always felt is part of the ‘new wave’ of great artists of our generation. Born in Tallin, Estonia and currently based in Amsterdam, her work emphasizes the nature of the synthetic and man-made in contact within our relationship with the natural world. Her creations are often framed in a way that connects to the worlds of advertising, consumerism, history and nature.

Novitskova’s manipulation and presentation of form and nature create compositions as contemporary still-life objects encourage us to think about the world around us. Instantly recognisable symbolism found within consumerism are altered and reflect in a more organic way. Her work raises questions within the boundaries of an increasingly humanised, natural world.

We as species are able to manipulate matter in advanced ways, making it unrecognizable as nature even to us.’

Taking full advantage of digital mediums, Novitskova often combines imagery and text collected from the internet.  This is most notably seen within her ‘earth calls’ composition, which comprises of collages assembled from Google Earth landscapes, along with images of young men found on Tumblr, part of the E-publication from Badlands Unlimited, How To Download a Boyfriend.

Kateja Novitskova’s take on the culture in which we live, is refreshing. She utilises modern technology and symbolism to create art that is truly contemporary. One to watch and soon to become a rising star in the art world. Check out her Website for more information.

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